Moderate Moment | Moderate Moms

The sequester? Never heard of it.

The Washington Post says our attitude about the Sequester is like the movie, "Clueless."  (AP) Just one in four Americans are following very closely the debate over the $1.2 trillion in automatic spending cuts set to kick in on Friday, according to a new Washington Post-Pew poll, numbers that serve as [...]

2013-02-27T19:53:05+00:00February 26, 2013|General Interest|0 Comments


Is Avoiding Sequestration Possible? Sen. Lindsay Graham, R-S.C., told the Wall Street Journal that he would consider a tax increase if it is accompanied by reductions in entitlement spending. Meanwhile, administration, state and local officials continue to express concern about the automatic cuts that are scheduled to kick in Friday. The [...]

2013-02-26T18:39:40+00:00February 26, 2013|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Explaining the Sequester to Kids

The sequester, which kicks in Friday, is a very confusing concept, even to a lot of adults. But it is simple really. Republicans and Democrats could not agree on the solution to reducing our country's borrowing and lowering the 16 trillion dollar deficit. The deficit is the difference between the [...]

2013-02-25T21:38:29+00:00February 25, 2013|Civics for Kids|0 Comments

A Great Soup for a Snow Day

It's snowing in St. Louis today so I just googled, "a good recipe for a snow day." Doesn't this white bean soup from sound perfect? Unlike last night's salmon rice with peas, this I may actually make! Petrina Tinslay Serves: 12 Edit     Total Time: 2 hr Cook Time: 30 min Ingredients [...]

2013-02-21T17:29:06+00:00February 21, 2013|Whats for dinner|0 Comments

Boost that immunity!

Photo and article courtesy of Ladue News By Connie Mitchell How are you faring during this cold and flu season? The answer depends, at least in part, on how your body’s immune system is protecting you from the many viral and bacterial illnesses that gets passed around every winter. A [...]

2013-02-21T18:08:25+00:00February 21, 2013|General Interest|0 Comments
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