I don’t think it is productive to criticize a First Lady’s speech because you would hope they would get up and show the love. And that’s just what Michelle Obama did. My favorite line was when she talked about how Barack Obama’s grandmother used to say to him that she didn’t mind sacrificing, telling him, “So long as you do well, Bear.” As someone who voted for Obama, I will just say that we disagree on the fix. There is no doubt President Barack Obama is a good guy. The Republicans would be wasting time to try to convince voters otherwise. But his own wife said it best when she said, “the stakes are high.” And, “there is no margin for error.” Presidential candidate Mitt Romney is funny but doesn’t always show it. He is a bit of a Boy Scout and if he has a fault, it is that he gums up a little bit when asked to sell himself. That’s modesty and I think it is genuine. His business experience and track record on financial matters speak for themselves, though. Much as I admire the First Lady on a personal level, and thought she did a nice job Tuesday night, we have to acknowledge it is a “long game.” More than 40% of Americans say they are worse off than they were four years ago. So, Moms across the country need to pause and consider what more of the same would mean for all of our “little bears.”
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