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Obesity rate plummets for young children / NYTimes

  By SABRINA TAVERNISEFEB. 25, 2014 Continue reading the main story Federal health authorities on Tuesday reported a 43 percent drop in theobesity rate among 2- to 5-year-old children over the past decade, the first broad decline in an epidemic that often leads to lifelong struggles with weight and higher risks for cancer, [...]

2014-02-26T13:18:11+00:00February 26, 2014|Civics for Kids|0 Comments

Kids, Soda and Obesity

At a time when more kids are overweight and obese than ever, why are soft drinks more popular than ever? By Chris Woolston, M.S. Soda addiction has long been a problem in our nation's schools. Every day for years, many kids have lined up at vending machines to buy their [...]

2013-03-11T21:13:47+00:00March 11, 2013|Civics for Kids|0 Comments
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