Moderate Moment | Moderate Moms

Obama’s Valentine

You didn't have to look past the triumvirate up on the podium last night to see that the overall theme Washington is trying to project right now is softer and more unified. The power rep tie has given way to soft violets, blues and pinks. Gone are the hard edges [...]

2013-02-13T16:50:51+00:00February 13, 2013|General Interest|0 Comments

It’s all about jobs

Jobs, jobs, jobs ... really job creation is all Americans want to hear from their politicians.  According to the latest polls,  Americans are the most pessimistic they've ever been.  Jon Huntsman published an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal blaming Obama for adding "zero jobs to the economy" in [...]

2011-11-13T13:59:28+00:00September 5, 2011|General Interest|0 Comments
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