Moderate Moment | Moderate Moms

Kids, Soda and Obesity

At a time when more kids are overweight and obese than ever, why are soft drinks more popular than ever? By Chris Woolston, M.S. Soda addiction has long been a problem in our nation's schools. Every day for years, many kids have lined up at vending machines to buy their [...]

2013-03-11T21:13:47+00:00March 11, 2013|Civics for Kids|0 Comments

Judge rules New York City cannot ban soda

Joseph Ax / Reuters 2:50 p.m. CDT, March 11, 2013 NEW YORK (Reuters) - A judge on Monday invalidatedNew York City's plan to ban large sugary drinks from restaurants, movie theaters and other establishments, one day before the new law was to take effect. State Supreme Court Justice Milton Tingling in [...]

2013-03-11T21:23:47+00:00March 11, 2013|General Interest|0 Comments
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