Moderate Moment | Moderate Moms

Frittatas with bacon and potatos

So, even the resident beige-a-tarian, my 13 year old son, actually ate my dinner tonight. Pork chops with baked apples and vermicelli. Notice all foods were on the color spectrum of white to beige. But still, I am feeling emboldened and so, tomorrow night, I am going to make these [...]

2013-04-30T01:53:35+00:00April 30, 2013|Whats for dinner|0 Comments

The Hormone Horoscope

You have to pity men who like their women feminine but are thrown for a total loop by the hormones that keep us that way! Now along comes an App that a lot of them are buying from Itunes as a way of hedging their bets. Is it a fat [...]

2013-04-30T01:44:28+00:00April 30, 2013|General Interest|0 Comments

Are Americans ready to pay taxes on

By JONATHAN WEISMAN/NYT   WASHINGTON — Legislation that would force Internet retailers to collect sales taxes from their customers has put antitax and small-government activists like Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform and the Heritage Foundation in an unusual position: they’re losing.  For years, conservative Republican lawmakers have been influenced heavily [...]

2013-04-30T01:45:44+00:00April 30, 2013|The Mom Vivant|0 Comments

Black and White Proms?

  Mary C. Curtis, an award-winning multimedia journalist in Charlotte, N.C., has worked at The New York Times, Charlotte Observer and as national correspondent for Politics Daily. Follow her on Twitter: @mcurtisnc3 Was the play list at the segregated “white prom” for Wilcox County High School in Georgia scrubbed of [...]

2013-05-02T14:32:27+00:00April 29, 2013|Civics for Kids|0 Comments

Can Antibiotics Make You Fat? Tom Philpott

  Like hospital patients, US farm animals tend to be confined to tight spaces and dosed with antibiotics. But that's where the similarities end. Hospitals dole out antibiotics to save lives. On America's factory-scale meat farms, the goal is to fatten animals for their date at the slaughterhouse. And it [...]

2013-04-23T15:15:27+00:00April 23, 2013|General Interest|0 Comments
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