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Florida Sen. Mark Rubio endorses Romney - could be a big help as a VP pick
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Florida Sen. Mark Rubio endorses Romney - could be a big help as a VP pick
Recipe courtesy of Like tacos, only neater to eat, taquitos have plenty of kid appeal. In Mexico, they're often deep-fried, but baking them works well too. It's easier and healthier, and the tortillas still turn golden brown and crispy around the edges. Served with salsa and sour cream, they [...]
Spring has sprung, and the season of light entertainment is here. To that end, please do enjoy… 1) Name the siblings who are both currently starring in her own network television series. 2) Everybody knows Arnold’s signature line from The Terminator, I’ll be back. What is his trademark phrase from [...]
Kathleen Parker Washington Post By now you’ve heard it plenty: The Affordable Care Act (ACA), a.k.a. “Obamacare,” is like the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This creative bit of dot-connecting began with President Obama and has been perpetuated by countless talk-show hosts and their guests. By implication, to oppose [...]
From Yahoo news Spinners and Winners - 3/20/12 During the heated presidential campaign, dogs seem to have taken center stage. Mitt Romney can't seem to live down the controversy over the rooftop ride that his dog Seamus took during a family vacation. And you just never know where the ever-popular [...]
The Democrats are loading the campaign cannons with another cannonball aimed at blowing up the issue of women's rights in this Election year. This time it's the Violence against Women Act. We are happy that Missouri's Sen. Roy Blunt recognizes that Republicans will have to come up with some kind [...]
Romney looking forward to April with big gains expected in big states
A Muddled Economic Picture Muddles the Political One, Too By DAVID LEONHARDT / New York Times Newt Gingrich's campaign has tried to capitalize on the rising gas prices across the country. Job growth has picked up nicely in the last few months, raising the prospect that the American economy is [...]
By Kathleen Parker, Introducing her husband on Super Tuesday night, Ann Romney said that women this election season are interested in jobs, the economy and the debt. Republicans might wish nothing more than to stuff birth control pills back into the bottle, but Democrats aren’t about to let them. The [...]
My kids were the ones who first told me about the 65,000 children who had been kidnapped and forced to kill their own families by a malicious warlord in Africa. And I didn't believe them. Until I saw this. Click here to view the video. Kony 2012 filmmaker Jason [...]