Moderate Moment | Moderate Moms

A Summer Education

This year's Summer vacation has been spent working my way around my old stomping grounds visiting family and friends in Florida, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Connecticut and New York.  And it hasn't just been a vacation, it has been an education. Last week, I was on the New Jersey Shore watching [...]

2013-07-09T13:02:46+00:00July 2, 2013|General Interest|0 Comments

In the interest of fairness …

We agree with Wendy Davis' fillibuster of the Texas abortion law because, even though I personally am against late terms abortions, it is treating women like children to demand that they take pills to terminate a pregnancy in front of a doctor. In the interest of fairness, I think this [...]

2013-07-01T22:06:05+00:00July 1, 2013|General Interest|0 Comments
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