Moderate Moment | Moderate Moms

Candidate Clinton?

What an interesting week it has been in politics. First, last week's stunning defeat of Virginia's Eric Cantor, who lost to an unknown Tea Party candidate. Then the admission on the heels of the Romney summit in Utah that there is a division within the Republican Party and no clear [...]

2014-06-18T04:44:31+00:00June 18, 2014|General Interest|0 Comments

Defeat of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor

Last night's stunning primary defeat of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Virginia) should be a rallying point for Moderate Republicans. Cantor may not have lost because he flirted with immigration or education reform or as one pundit speculated, because of his religion. His Goliath defeat to a David could boil [...]

2014-06-12T19:53:03+00:00June 11, 2014|General Interest|0 Comments
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