Moderate Moment | Moderate Moms

H-Hour by Christine Doyle

I was going to title this post D-Day but decided that was too harsh since it refers to the day a military attack is unfurled.  Too many people, on both sides of the aisle, view Obamacare in military terms. In fact, the whole fight mentality is part of the problem. [...]

2018-01-22T20:41:52+00:00March 31, 2014|General Interest|0 Comments

Are you dialing in to the debates?

According to CNN, 3.6 million people watched the Tea Party Express Republican Presidential Debate on CNN last night, 1.1 million of them in the coveted age bracket between 25 and 54.  What is interesting to me is that means 2.5 million of them were either under 25 (unlikely) or over [...]

2011-11-13T13:54:51+00:00September 13, 2011|The Daily Dose|0 Comments
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