Here’s our take on Paul Ryan. Both he and Sarah Palin had the same exact favorability ratings immediately following their selection as Vice Presidential running mates. That’s right – 17%. But, within a day, Ryan’s have tripled to more than 50%. Where the more we got to know about Sarah Palin, the less we liked her, Paul Ryan is someone we are going to like even more and more as we understand the man behind the road map.  Paul Ryan has been exorcised by the Democrats, depicted pushing an elderly woman in a wheelchair off a cliff because he is uncompromising in his view that Medicare will have to be reformed. As more and more Americans google his “Roadmap for America’s Future,” they will see that while he is black and white that change is needed, the changes he is calling for are more reasonable than you might initially think. For instance, his idea to go to two tax rates of 10% and 25% sounds like a break for the wealthy until you consider that under the Ryan plan a lower tax rate would also mean having to give up some of your pet deductions. His take on Social Security would protect those over 55 while allowing those under 55 to take ownership of some of their investments.

Ryan is such an interesting choice for Mitt Romney’s running mate. He’s young, brash and smart. He’s also charming in that Doogie Howser kind of way. Consider his response when he returned home to Wisconsin after ducking out of Washington, disguised in a t-shirt and sunglasses, “

“It’s good to be home,” the seven-term congressman told his home-state fans.

“My veins run with cheese, bratwurst, a little Spotted Cow, Leiney’s, and some Miller. I was raised on the Packers, Badgers, Bucks and Brewers. I like to hunt here, I like to fish here, I like to snowmobile here. I even think ice fishing is interesting,” he said. “I’m a Wisconsinite through and through and through.”

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