Moderate Moment | Moderate Moms

Sibling Rivalry

This is unusual for us at But I get these emails from St. Louis' Dr. Russell Hyken from time to time and find the topics really interesting.  SIBLING CONFLICT All siblings have arguments, but what if they are persistent? A new University of Missouri research study shows that sibling [...]

2013-02-21T01:47:55+00:00February 21, 2013|The Mom Vivant|0 Comments

Athletes with disabilities

Equal Opportunity for Athletes With Disabilities/HTKE Kids' News January 29th, 2013 There are many athletes in the United States with disabilities who would love to be on their school’s sports teams. Even though they’re good enough to make the team, they don’t. The law says students with disabilities should have [...]

2013-02-20T21:19:47+00:00February 20, 2013|Civics for Kids|0 Comments

Salmon rice with pineapple

Who knew there was a website called, "What's for Dinner?" Even though I am not making this tonight, this sounds like it would be a big hit with the kids! I am going to try it soon.  Salmon Fried Rice with Herbed Pineapple Teriyaki sauce flavors instant rice stir-fried with [...]

2013-02-20T20:46:09+00:00February 20, 2013|Whats for dinner|0 Comments

What happens when Rinos get mad …

Kathleen Parker: RINO rebellion RINO-hunting, the long-popular political sport that morphed in 2008 into a sort of hysteria-driven obsession, lately has become a suicide mission. RINO, of course, refers to Republicans In Name Only and is the pejorative term used against those who fail to march in lockstep with the so-called [...]

2013-02-21T15:00:53+00:00February 20, 2013|The Mom Vivant|0 Comments

State of the Union for kids

Okay, I don't know that many kids were still up at the end of the President's State of the Union last night but I will say the part it would have been wonderful for them to hear was at the very end. When the President talked about 102 year old [...]

2013-02-13T16:54:46+00:00February 13, 2013|Civics for Kids|0 Comments
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